Bridget Kate 11 mo

Bridget Kate 11 mo

Guys 🙁 It’s my second to last monthly update.  I can’t believe my baby is almost a year old.   Love that drool-covered chin. Sidenote, does anyone have any advice about controlling 1 year old hair, cause hers is wild and stringy and outta control.  …and fuhget about clips and headbands.  She kindly informed me…

Bridget Kate 10 months

Bridget Kate 10 months

This Girl.      She sure keeps me on my toes.  It’s been so fun celebrating the holidays with her.   She has learned to climb stairs, and I would say stairs are her favorite toy.  Lovely.  (Don’t worry, I’m always right behind her to catch when she climbs em :)) She loves to wave…