Bridget Kate 8 months
Man, this girl’s personality has BLOSSOMED this month, and she has learned lots of new tricks.

She is officially “mobile” although I can’t describe with any accuracy her combination of inchworming, rolling, scooting, lunging, one-legged crawling, and ricocheting but she very slowly but surely gets from point A to point B. Which means I have a pretty permanent clingy shadow.
She has 2 cute little teeth.
She can move from her belly to a sitting position, (which is her favorite thing to do at naptime these days…yay me…)
She can pull up to standing against furniture, and beams with pride after she’s huffed and puffed her way all the way up.
She likes to “dance” by shaking her head and shoulders.
I would describe her current stage as inquisitive, she picks everything up and examines it closely and carefully, discovering everything the world has to offer!
She shakes her head “no” when she is done eating, although we are still trying to figure out if she knows what it means or if she’s just being silly 🙂
She says mama, dada, gaga, baba, rara, and growls.
She is lightning fast at getting what she wants. She snuck a bite of my grilled cheese the other day before I even knew what was happening.
She wants to eat whatever mom and dad are eating.
She hums along when we sing her to sleep.
She keeps mom and dad BUSY but we love seeing her personality develop everyday!