Bridget Kate 5 months
I can’t believe my baby girl is 5 months already!
Because we are getting ready for our BIG MOVE for Kyle to attend Dental school, I decided to do something a little different and make a video rather than just pictures with this month’s milestones. I thought friends and family would appreciate seeing the changes in action! I absolutely love shooting video…photos are great, but you can capture so much more personality through video!!
I am hoping to do this a lot more as baby girl gets older and as our family grows. On to her actual milestones, Bridget is FINALLY sleeping better. I really didn’t want to do any sleep training until she was 4 months old because to me it’s just too little…by 4 months she was waking up 7 times a night…yikes…and she’d take about 6 naps during the day, most of which were only 20 minutes long. So at about 4 1/2 months we started a little controlled crying, and she did great. The longest she ever cried was less than thirty minutes and now she wakes up only 1-2 times during the night to eat and sleeps 12-13 hours total. It’s awesome. She takes 3 naps each 45 minutes-1 hour and at night we give her a security blanket and she rolls to her side and goes right to sleep with no crying. It is blissful! …and hallelujah we’ve ditched the pacifier…I had a serious love hate relationship with that thing!
Bridget also learned to sit last month! She started sitting at about 4 1/2 months and just gets better and better by the day. I shot the video about a week ago and she is already SO much steadier than she was then!!
She is talking and blowing raspberries all the time. Her favorite thing to say is MAMAMAMAMA (…I rub it in Kyle’s face all the time even though I know she doesn’t know what she’s saying) She also loves to grab anything she can get her hands on, especially glasses and faces. She smiles and laughs constantly…Dad is the best at getting her to laugh!
She is still not a great roller. She rolls from tummy to back often but her arm gets stuck underneath her and she just cries (see video…haha) She rolls from back to side often, but has only rolled all the way over once and it was in the middle of the night…she was not happy when she woke up in that position!
She is at my favorite age so far, we love having her around!
Music is “Feelin’ Good” a free licensed music track from purpleplanet