berry parfaits in glass cups with text overlay my favorite high protein snacks

Top 15 favorite high protein snacks from a mom and dietitian

It seems like protein is all the rage these days, but what kinds of things can you snack on (that aren’t copious amounts of boiled chicken breast?)  Read on for my favorite high protein snacks! Hey all, welcome back! It seems like protein is quite the buzzword these days.  So let’s talk about it. I’m…

Family Rhythms 101: Improve productivity and find more peace

Family Rhythms 101: Improve productivity and find more peace

Instead of feeling overwhelmed by a crazy to-do list, why not learn to take advantage of the family rhythms that you already have to perfect your days and find more peace and productivity.  Family Rhythms 101: Improve productivity and find more peace Do you ever feel like you are drowning under your to-do list (please…

mom cutting pepper with daughter behind her: text overlay says top 10 mealtime tips from the last 100 episodes

Top 10 mealtime tips from planned, prepped, and productive podcast

Well friends it’s been 100 episodes! Let’s take a trip down memory lane with the top 10 mealtime tips from the last 100 episodes of the planned, prepped, and productive podcast Hello everyone and welcome to the podcast today, this is episode 100!  I still remember recording that first podcast 2 1/2 years ago, my…