Today on the podcast I’m talking all about mindset.
Specifically I’m talking about all of those nasty little thoughts in your head that are getting in the way of your meal planning success (and likely your success in other areas as well).
5 mindset shifts that will make your meal plan more successful
Like you, I have totally put myself through a mindset workout wondering if family meals and cooking are really all that important, and if I am really capable of both making dinner and living a balanced and stress-free life.
Negative thoughts are toxic and if you are constantly telling yourself that you don’t have time, you hate to cook, your family doesn’t like anything you make, or that you aren’t good at it…you will likely fail at the whole family meal, meal plan, meal prepping thing.
We all have those negative thoughts and I want to show you how you can overcome some of those negative thoughts.
This episode comes with a little assignment, if you’ve already listened to the podcast and are ready to begin your assignment you can get your free Mindset Shift Worksheet here!
Get your FREE Mindset Shift Worksheet here!
Don’t believe everything you think
Up until recently, I never stopped to consider that what my brain is telling me is not always true. In fact, it’s hardly ever true! If we allow ourselves to believe the negative thoughts about ourselves and about the world we are setting ourselves up for failure. Here’s just a few ways to shift that negative mindset to a growth mindset when it comes to cooking and meal prep.
5 Mindset Shifts for Meal Planning
Failure is good, every failed attempt is taking you one step closer to success.
Failure is not fun, but failure teaches you so much more than success! Learn from those failures and as you add up all of the things you learn, eventually you will reach success.
Your path to success doesn’t have to look like anybody else’s
Instagram compare-ers I’m talking to you. Just because your best friend gives up her entire Sunday to meal prep adorable little packaged healthy meals doesn’t mean you have to. Learn from your own personality, experience, and mistakes and forge your own path.
Meal prepping and planning does not have to be all or nothing, small steps are still progress
If you’re eating cold cereal every night (no judgment) you are probably not ready to start making every meal from scratch. Start with a Sunday dinner, or maybe some partially from scratch cooking. As you learn you’ll be ready to add more, don’t get overwhelmed because you try to do too much all at once.
You’re not supposed to be good at it at first
I have some pretty embarrassing cooking stories. Cooking is a skill and an art that takes time to develop. Meal planning is also a skill that takes practice, so if you are a good cook but you are terrible at meal planning, you just have another skill to work on. Don’t stress. You’ll get there!
You ALWAYS have the ability to change direction
So that meal planning app that you paid for isn’t working like you thought it would? Let it go! You made a bunch of freezer meals but you don’t like them at all? Give them away and get them out of your freezer and life. If something isn’t working for you, change it. Simple as that. You aren’t a failure, you just learned something that didn’t work. Move on. Don’t stay stuck because you’ve invested time, money, or energy into something that isn’t working.
Mindset shifts for meal planning worksheet
Now that we’ve talked about some of the ways you should be shifting your thinking to be able to grow and progress, let’s get to that worksheet. This is the part where we are going to talk about all of the negative thoughts and feelings that you have about cooking and meal planning.
Here are some examples.
Negative thoughts about cooking and meal planning
I love cooking, but with three kids running around the kitchen and whining at my feet it just doesn’t seem worth it.
I have so many responsibilities and feel like I’m barely keeping my head above water, how can I add daily homemade meals to that?
If I cook no one likes what I make and my kids cry for toast so why do I try?
Now, thinking about how you can shift your negative mindset to be more of a growth mindset, adjust the thought to one that motivates and inspires you.
Inspiring thought about cooking and meal planning
Excuse: I love cooking, but with three kids running around the kitchen and whining at my feet it just doesn’t seem worth it.
Motivating thought: I want to instill my love of cooking in children. Even though it’s going to take twice as long and be frustrating a lot of the time I will invite them to be with me in the kitchen and help with age-appropriate tasks from an early age.
That’s so much better!
Now that you’ve prepared your mind to make this change you are ready to hear all about the different types of meal prepping to help make your meal plan a success. Hope you stick around for next week!
What negative mindsets about cooking and meal planning are keeping your family the drive-thru’s favorite customers? Let me know in the comments below!
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